Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Today is a good day.. Jesus was born in a manger and He died for our sins. I celebrated my Christmas with joy although some unlucky things happened few days ago... Yesterday, there was lots of bees in my house.. wanted to ask professional people to clean my place but my father managed to do it.. luckily my father wasn't stung by the bees.. Last night, we wanted to go to Chin Fu Methodist Church but it was late... so we went to Faith Methodist church but no one was there too.. at last, we went home without going to church.. so upset but never mind.. didn't watch performance last night but it's okay.. this morning, I went to church with my parents. each person was given a cup.. When the pastor preached, he said, "let's rejoice in the Lord. If you don't have good relationship with your friends, how can you rejoice in Him?" It's very true... so I've to learn to rejoice in Him.. rejoicing is not equal to happiness. we are happy because of environment.. rejoicing in the Lord just means no matter what situations we are in, we able to be joyful because we've Jesus in our life to control us.. We may have lots of Christmas gifts during this Christmas... but let's just remember one thing: that Jesus is the greatest above all... Jesus is our saviour and we must invite him to come o into our lives. today, we went shopping for few hours... I was so happy and satisfied as I bought a slipper, a sandal, 3 bras and 2 t-shirts for myself.. My slipper has worn-out... but all these I've bought reminded me that I live in this world just for few years. We live in this world just for temporarily but life in Heaven is eternal... we have eternity in Heaven... I still have lots of worries but I must not let the worries eat me up.. I musn't keep dwelling in them... Though it's easier said than done, I've to choose to open my heart to God and believe that God will help me.. when I've tried my best, I've to just leave everything to Him and God will take care of what I've done. we live in hectic world and we need to ask the Lord to guide us in handling the pressure we've... so during this Christmas I just hope that God will give me peace and happiness... I pray God will help me to get out of my depression... I must learn to rejoice in Him no matter whatever circumstances... even though I was a bit sick and kept sneezing in church today, God restored my health again and now I'm better. I've allergy...Merry Christmas once again and Happy New Year 2012..
God bless everyone who reads this post.

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