Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year 2012

Time really flies. Did you all realize it? Can you remember what blessings God has given to you in this year? Well, if you have faced unlucky happenings in your life, it's okay... strive for the best in 2012.. For me, 2011 is a year full of sadness.. I feel that many unlucky things happened to me.. In this coming year, I hope to be a positive person. Not just by word:but by action. as the saying goes.,"action speaks louder than word." I've to be determined to face a new challenge. I hope in this coming year, God will give me blessings, bless my family, their careers, my studies and future.. I hope to be a healthy person and not fall sick often.. I also pray that my father's depression will get well in 2012.. I hope for success and prosperity in 2012.. Life is beautiful if we see the positive side of everything. O no, I'm growing older. will be 21 in September next year. Not just physically old, mentally as well... Well said, what's your new year resolution? think about it.. Please do leave comments okay?

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